More than 30% of students at SHG receive a need-based scholarships. Without the scholarship program, many students would not be able to afford to attend SHG. There are several ways to become a scholarship donor.
General 奖学金基金- No gift is too small to the SHG General 奖学金基金. Gifts of any size may be made to the fund and, because your donation will be expendable, we can use it immediately. That means your generosity will join others’ to make a significant difference right away for deserving and outstanding students who want to attend SHG—and whom we want on our campus.
Current Use Scholarships – For those who wish to have a scholarship named, we ask for a four-year commitment of $2,每年500. With this commitment, you can select criteria and preferences regarding the students receiving the funds. These include specific areas of 研究, enrollment status, GPA and other criteria as desired. The funds need to be given to SHG prior to any scholarship award. Many donors continue their scholarship with an annual gift to the fund. Payments are to be made to the fund on or before April 1st.
Endowed Scholarships- Donors who wish to help students, and at the same time establish a lasting memorial, may endow a scholarship. 通过定义, an endowed scholarship is one in which the principal remains intact and only the interest is awarded annually. Often, these scholarships are named for the donor and/or their family member(s).